Change to Novice session time and start of new Super Skills sessions for younger(u10 and below) less experienced riders
The coaching group has created a Super Skills session for existing younger riders. This will start at 9am and last until 10:45. It will give the younger (u10 and below) riders time on track bikes (if they wish) and freewheel bikes. This will help develop greater skills and be more exciting for younger minds. Those that should be part of this group are:-
- the existing 11am novice riders
- those already in the least experienced 9am group
Both these groups should come at 9am with a freewheel bike and be prepared to ride on track bikes.
Existing Freewheelers are unaffected, as are those in the middle 9am group.
The coaching group very much looks forward to seeing you all for this exciting new session.
There will be no track session at 11am