The historic Welwyn Track League is back for 2025! Welwyn Track League meetings are held on Fridays throughout the spring and summer at the Gosling Sports Park velodrome. The first league meeting of this season is planned for Friday April 25th 2025.
The track league registration fee remains at £10 for seniors/juniors and £5 for youth race entries, plus a £5 refundable deposit for race numbers. To become a track league member for 2025 please visit Welwyn Track League Rider Registration 2025.
For youth riders, there will be two groups based on age and ability and the new BC 2025 gear restrictions will apply. Youth A riders may ride with the Senior A group on invitation by the TL officials. The Senior B group will not be available to youth riders.
Entry for league events this year will again be via the online booking system and will require league membership – i.e. a login purchased through this booking system. Races will be available to enter until 2pm on the day of the event (no pre-entry by this time, no ride – no exceptions!) All riders must enter in advance as this greatly helps the organisers in both planning the schedule for each event and notifying riders if an event is to be cancelled due to bad weather. Cancellations prior to the event will receive a full refund. Bookings can be managed from the My Account page.
Three open meetings are planned this year, on Friday 13th June, Friday 18th July, and Friday 12th September 2025 (followed by the TL prize presentation). These will be Regional C+ races, and be offering BC licence points. Entries will be via the British Cycling website for these open meetings.

A reminder that Gosling Sports Park has parking fees – please see the details on the Gosling Car Parking page. Failure to register and pay will result in a fine.
Over the years there has been some great and highly competitive racing at Welwyn Track League, and we are hoping for good numbers again this year. We aim to promote a varied programme with special events such as keirin and possibly a Madison night subject to demand. It goes without saying that the success of the league depends on good attendances from the riders, so do your best to spread the word about Welwyn Track League.
Summary of 2025 Dates
Friday 25th April to Friday 5th September: Friday league meetings (unless otherwise stated). Click here to enter.
Friday 13st June: Open Meeting (enter via BC website).
Friday 18th July: Open Meeting (enter via BC website).
Friday 12th September: Peter Waghorn Trophy – Open Track Meeting (enter via BC website).
The Race Organiser is Doug Driscoll douglas_driscoll@hotmail.com
Track League Accreditation
Returning Riders
If you have raced at Welwyn Track League within the last 3 years then you will receive automatic accreditation to ride at this event. Please include details of previous years’ experience on your registration form.
New Riders
If you are new to Track League, or are returning after a hiatus, then you will need accreditation to race at this event. Automatic accreditation will be given out to riders that have raced at recognised track events at approved indoor/outdoor velodromes within the last 3 years. Please give details of any such events in your registration form.
If you do not have the necessary racing experience to receive automatic accreditation, then you can gain accreditation at one of our Open Track Training sessions (see below).
Open Coach-Led Track Race Session
There will be three Open Coach-Led Track Race Session refresher race practice sessions on the preceding Fridays in preparation for the return of the track league (March 28th – April 11th 2025).
These sessions are open to all previous track league participants and those experienced track riders who want track racing accreditation. Riders that have proof of track racing experience at other leagues can sign on but are still advised to attend these sessions to help acclimatise themselves with the Welwyn track and protocols.
Open Track Training
Open Track Training takes place at Gosling each Monday throughout the track season, from March 31st 2025.
If you want to ride in the Track League but do not have the necessary experience to gain automatic accreditation, you can attend one of these sessions to be assessed and accredited by the coaches. Riders wishing to be assessed to race the Welwyn Track League should make themselves known at sign on. Riders will be issued with a bib by the sign on team for identification purposes during the race training session. If successful, riders will be able to register for Track League although will still be under initial probation at the discretion of the TL promoter and commissars.
These are coached training sessions, intended for riders that already have some track experience. If you are new to track cycling and are interested in novice training sessions, please see the What’s On page or contact trackleague@welwynwheelers.org.uk for further information.
Running the Welwyn Track League would not be possible without the generous support of many volunteers, primarily from Welwyn Wheelers and Verulam CC.
We are always on the lookout for volunteers so if you are able to contribute and add your name then please get in touch.
Safeguarding Lead
Club Welfare Officer: Juliet Barker