- Club 10 TT series completed, five races with three course records and record rider numbers
- Restart of cycling at Gosling – aiming for next week (w/c 24 Aug)
- Future training sessions to be booked online in advance
- No confirmation yet of the club CX event this season
We hope you are all keeping safe, fit and healthy during these unusual times. After a Spring dominated by solo riding and Zwift, we were happy to restart racing with five weeks of our usual club 10 series, with a few changes to minimise COVID-19 risk. Rider numbers were a record 27 riders for last event (guest & club). The course record broken three times, by Oli Stockwell and Oscar Nilsson-Julien, twice, to 19m12s. Big Thanks to Dave Scott and Alex Peeke for organising and to Julian, Howard, Rona, Colin, Mel P., and all other on-the-night helpers. We might run further TTs this season – watch for announcements.
Currently both training and racing are sanctioned by BC, and outdoor tracks including Herne Hill have restarted. At Gosling, our Risk Assessment was approved by the leasholder GLL in the last few days – many thanks to Francis, Gareth and others who facillitated this. We are now putting in place the things we need to restart sessions (signage, etc) and we’re aiming for the first cycling at Gosling post-lockdown next week, which will be a club trainnig session. There will be announcements and Rider Briefings for any sessions/events, which will be published on the website & Facebook pages.
In anticipation of a restart, Francis and a band of volunteers have been carrying out loads of maintenance at the Gosling bowl, both to track and banking. Without this work in the background, we could not restart our usual activities, so special thanks to Adrian Hughes, Andy Pollard and Laurie Bone but also to a long list of others who have pitched in.
One change going forward is that riders will book and pay for training sessions in advance, online. This is to avoid cash payments, sign-on, and the need to access the shed. The booking & payment system is integrated into our club website and will go live as soon as we have a Training Session to populate – thanks to Jeremy Peet who has put this in place for us.
Sad to say, the Cyclocross season will also be disrupted for 20/21. The Central CX League was cancelled in May. Eastern CX League is not cancelled, but still faces big challenges and will not operate as the League has in previous years. For the Welwyn event we have kept options open but are not yet committed to organising for the 20/21 season, and we are evaluating whether to move the event into Spring 2021.
Club Zwift race/training sessions are continuing, thanks to Ellie and Gareth. And Committee Meetings have continued through the lockdown, as remote teleconferences. It was great to see photos of our youngsters doing 100miles of the South Downs last week. If anyone else has pictures of WWers in spectacular locations (or just in Spokes cafe), keep posting on the Facebook members page. We’re all greatly missing the social side of club life and looking forward hugely to a restart at Gosling.
The Committee