Gosling Velodrome Track Update (April 2024)

Gosling Velodrome after surface re-coating and lines re-painted.

09/04/24 Update: It’s back! The lines are re-painted, the track is ready for use again and looking great! Sessions start again on Friday April 12th. Now all we need is for it to stop raining!

31/03/24 Update: Thanks to a lot of hard work by a small group of dedicated volunteers, the track is nearly ready. We are targeting April 12th for the return of track-based sessions but this is not 100% confirmed and is dependent on completion of a number of maintenance tasks, and a BC inspection. If you can spare any time to help please volunteer. See What’s-On.


24/03/24 Update: We are delighted (and relieved) that the weather was kind enough this week to allow a new coating to be applied. The track is still closed but is now hardening and lines repainting arranged to happen within the next 2 weeks (weather permitting).

07/02/24 Update: Thanks to the ongoing efforts of GLL, @ColasLtd and the club we are delighted to announce that works to reinstate the track, making it ready for the 2024 season, are now scheduled. We are confident that the Welwyn Track League and a full program of track-based training and racing will be back from April 2024. Watch this space for announcements and the forthcoming publication of the spring/summer training schedules.

09/12/23 Update: A @ColasLtd appointed contractor recently performed tests of a proposed solution to the track surface issues. The final process would involve heating the tarmac up and then re-rolling the surface after applying a light sanding. We are pleased to report that the tests have shown promise so far. The aim is to carry out the process on the whole velodrome, which will be dependent on special equipment being fabricated to perform the process on the banking.

Dates for further remedial actions are to be confirmed but our hope and expectation is that the contractor will give us back a ridable track for the 2024 track season.

26/09/23 Update: After running a pilot Road Bikes on the Track (RBOT) session, the coaching team has determined that, unfortunately, it will not be possible to run further sessions until @ColasLtd has re-coated the surface. We await news on when this will happen.

14/09/23 Update: After a new risk assessment, British Cycling has given the Welwyn Coaching Team permission for some Road Bikes on the Track (RBOT) sessions to resume under carefully supervised and dry conditions only. However, this is not to say the current surface condition is in an acceptable state for racing or track bike use. The velodrome track remains closed for general use while we await confirmation from @ColasLtd of arrangements to correct the issues, with a re-applied slurry coating.

Welwyn volunteers preparing the track for limited use.

25/08/23 Update: @ColasLtd contractor performed tests, on Friday August 18th, to remove the Securechip coating applied to the track surface recently. Unfortunately, the results were unsuccessful & an alternative solution is now proposed to re-apply a slurry coating.

31/07/23 Update: See Open Letter concerning Gosling Velodrome.

10/07/23 Update: Unfortunately, an issue has arisen with the velodrome maintenance works that has unexpectedly delayed its completion. As a result, all track sessions in July are now cancelled to allow the contractor to fix the issue, working closely with the club and Gosling Sports Park. We are sorry to announce this frustrating news and will report further updates as we have them.

The Club will be publishing a revised interim programme of training sessions very soon. In the meantime, to maintain peak levels of fitness, track users are encouraged to enter and support the weekly Open Club 10 TT event every Tuesday evening.

07/07/23 Update: We are sorry to announce that track training sessions on July 8th and 10th are cancelled as more time is needed to complete the track refurbishment works. All other sessions are on as normal.

Due to improvement works being carried out on the Velodrome we are having to cancel the Friday Track League meetings on the 7th & 14th of July.

The Track surface is being recoated on the 2nd & 3rd July.

Remarking of the Track will take place on the 18th, 19th & 20th of July.

All regular WW training sessions will take place as normal during this time, apart from the Monday Advanced Open Track session on the evenings of the 3rd and 5th July.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon.

The Welwyn Coaching Team

Updated: 04/07/23