Welwyn Track League is back from 29 April 2016 through to 16 September 2016. The final evening on Friday 16 September will be an open and prize giving meeting. Sign on from 6.00 pm.
Registration is by completing the registration form. The form can be downloaded from Welwyn Wheelers website under Track League or can be obtained from Peter Waghorn at one of the track training sessions at Gosling.
We encourage registration prior to the first meeting. Forms can be sent to the address on the form or handed to Peter at any of the training sessions. This will speed up the sign on process on the first evening.
Registration Fees
Seniors and Juniors £10 Youths £5
Racing Fees
Seniors and Juniors £10 Youths riding in Senior A’s £10 Youths £5
Deposit for Bibs £3
The race programs can be found on Welwyn Track League facebook and Welwyn Wheelers website under Track League.
Track Training Sessions
Open Track training starts Monday 4 April 7 pm to 9 pm. Minimum age 10 years plus
To ride on Monday evenings Riders are expected first to be competent Track riders. Riders are expected to have all the basic Track skills and to be able to ride confidently on all areas of the Track, with the safety and consideration of other riders in mind. Any Riders wishing to be assessed to race The Welwyn Track League must make themselves known at sign on and to the coaches. Riders will be issued with a coloured bib for identification purposes during the Race Training Session. If successful, riders will then be able to register for Track League but will still be under initial probation at the discretion of the TL Promotor and Commissars.
Riders will be sorted into groups depending on ability during the session.
Friday Track Training leading up to Track League starting 7 pm to 9 pm. Minimum age 10 years plus
Track training for already racing Track League riders only on Friday 8 April, 15 April and 22 April. Any one wanting to be accredited should attend the Monday session.
Wednesday Track sessions 6 April to September 7 pm to 9 pm Welwyn Racing members only
Saturday 2nd April until the Autumn
Track Improvers/experienced Track Riders (Youth & Seniors) 9 am to 10.30 am
Go-ride Freewheel Youth Session (5 – 16 years of age) 9 am to 10.30 am
One-off Track session Saturday 2 April 10.30 am to 12 pm Welwyn Racing members only
Saturday Novice Track Sessions For details of novice track sessions please email tracknovice@welwynwheelers.org.uk. Also see sessions on Welwyn Wheelers website.
Bike hire
Welwyn wheelers have a number of track bikes to hire for a fee per race evening or training session. Please arrive early if you wish to hire one. Pedals are keo. Please note that other makes are not necessarily compatible – even if they say that they are! You may not bring your own pedals for use on our hire bikes.
Welwyn Track League Facebook page
Information on the Track League can be found on the Welwyn Track League Facebook page. If a meeting is cancelled due to poor weather it is here that it will be posted.
BC Regulations and Local Rules
- Juniors and Youths under 16 will ride in Senior A. There will be no Juniors or Youths under 16 riding in Senior B.
- You must keep both hands on the handlebars at all times including on the running track or you will be disqualified.
- Riders may not carry any object on them or on their bicycles that could drop onto the track. They may not wear or use on the track any music player or radio communication system. In addition, any electronic device with display (for instance speedometer or powermeter) must be hidden so that it cannot be read by the riders – BC rule 3.2.4
- The use in competition of cameras attached to riders, cycles or helmets is prohibited, unless previously authorised in writing by the BC Board – BC rule 10.4
- Helmut’s are compulsory.
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