Last updated: 15/08/20
Please read the information below carefully every time you come to the velodrome – we will regularly update this information, based on our experience of restarting sessions and any new guidance we receive. We are doing everything we can to keep our users, coaches and volunteers safe as we restart sessions. We need your help too, so that we can stick within the rules and guidelines laid out by the Government & British Cycling. Most importantly protect others by not contributing to the spread of the virus.
Before You Come to the Velodrome
- If you are showing coronavirus symptoms, or if you or any of your household are self-isolating, you must stay at home. We will move your booking to a future date of your choice free of charge
- Wash your hands before leaving home and bring hand sanitiser with you.
- Please use the toilet before you leave home. Toilet facilities at Gosling may or may not be available for club use, and will be under the control of Gosling staff. If available, riders must adhere to social distancing, the one-way system and hand sanitising when using them. Toilets are NOT to be used as a changing facility.
- Please arrive 5-15 minutes before your session is due to start. Riders shouldn’t congregate before the start of their time slot.
- Riders are asked to use their own bikes, track, road, cross or MTB and be completely self-sufficient. The Club bike shed will be out of bounds to riders and parents, and no tools will be lent out for repairs. Parents of young riders are responsible for the upkeep and safety of their child’s bike. See M Check video link.
When you are on site and during your session
- Maintain social distancing (2m) from all others on site (other than those within your household).
- Wash your hands regularly or use hand sanitiser as you enter and leave the Bowl.
- Ride within your personal physical and technical limitations to try and avoid additional burden on the NHS and the first aiders present.
- Try to minimise touching any surfaces on the site.
- No physical contact – No hugs, high-fives, handshakes, etc. except with people in your own household.
- Do not share any mobile devices, equipment, food or drink with others.
- Spectating is discouraged. Where attendance of a parent/guardian (non-participant) or a carer for a rider with a disability is required, social distancing should be strictly observed while watching the activity.
When you leave the Velodrome
- Remember to take all your belongings home with you, including any rubbish.
- Please leave the site as soon as possible after finishing. Do not congregate in the car park area.
- Wash your hands when you return home.
- If you develop any COVID-19 symptoms after your session, please notify us by emailing
Thanks for reading and we hope you enjoy your session. We’re continuously working to improve the sessions we can offer while keeping everyone safe. As we are able to put more controls in place to reduce the risks we will increase what we can offer participants.
Welwyn Coaching Team